Gummy Production Line

One-Stop Solution on Gummy Making Machine


Gummy Manufacturing Process

Sugar-free Sweetener Alternatives for Gummy Vitamins

Sugarless sweeteners are an excellent sugar substitute that may be utilized in a variety of ways. Gummy vitamins are one of the most popular applications for these goods. Gummy vitamins are often sweetened with cane sugar, which is harmful to your teeth and body. Sugarless sweeteners are an excellent substitute for cane sugar because they are significantly better for your teeth and contain no calories or carbohydrates!


When preparing gummy vitamins, you can substitute sugarless sweeteners such as stevia extract, monk fruit extract, erythritol, or xylitol for cane sugar. Each variety has advantages and disadvantages, so it is critical to select the best one for your purposes. For example, if you want a natural sweetener with no preservatives or other additives, stevia extract may be a suitable choice; however, if you want to avoid artificial components, erythritol may be a better choice.


Sugar of Gummies


Gummy vitamins are a popular and simple way to provide youngsters with a daily dosage of vitamins and minerals. Traditional gummy vitamins, on the other hand, might be high in calories and sugar, which can worsen allergies or constitute a choking hazard for little children. Sugarless gummy vitamins provide parents the same convenience but with fewer concerns about their child’s nutrition.


Sugar-free vitamins have advanced significantly in recent years. Previously, only the most dedicated athletes would take them for health reasons, but now a far broader variety of people do. This could include persons trying to reduce weight, those wanting to be healthier by supplementing with vitamins and minerals while dieting, or just someone who dislikes sugar and wishes to eliminate it from their daily routine.


Alternatives to Sugar For Gummy Vitamins


Extract of Stevia Leaf

Stevia leaf extract is a calorie-free natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant. It can be used as a standalone sweetener or to reduce the amount of sugar in a product, as it has a melting point of roughly 198 degrees Fahrenheit.



Erythritol is a plant-based sugar alcohol that tastes similar to sugar but contains far fewer calories. While it has a similar taste to sugar, it does not affect blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol, or triglyceride levels, making it suitable for many people with sugar-sensitive health issues.
Erythritol has the highest melting point among the sweeteners on this list. To melt, the temperature must be somewhat higher than 240 degrees Fahrenheit.



Xylitol, like erythritol, is a plant-based sugar alcohol that has a wonderfully sweet flavor without nearly as many calories. It metals at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit and is derived from corn and birch plants. This sweetener is likewise highly hazardous to dogs and should be avoided.


Extract of Monk Fruit

Monk fruit extract, like stevia, is another plant-based sugar substitute that has gained popularity. It is usually regarded as a safe sweetener that is suitable for many people who have dietary concerns or limits. It can be used in a variety of various forms of gummy vitamins and supplements.



Are You Making Gummies With A Sugar Alternative? 

Be Aware of Temperature Differences and Keep These Tips in Mind

Because these alternative sweeteners have different melting points than sugar, you will need to change your gummy production equipment accordingly. Sugar typically melts at significantly greater temperatures than alternative sweeteners, which may indicate that the other elements in the slurry will take longer to melt as well.


Check For Ingredient Compatibility Twice

The majority of gummy formulae are created with sugar in mind. All of the substances are generally compatible with it. However, if you’re using another sweetener, these components could not blend well.


Before ordering your materials in bulk, do your homework on ingredient compatibility. For example, you may determine that further coating, coloring, or taste agent is required to ensure a high-quality completed product.


Readjust Ingredient Ratios To Suit Your Taste

Because many sugar substitutes are sweeter than sugar, you should account for this by changing your ingredient ratios before going full-scale. Investigate the dose equivalent of your selected sweetener to sugar and produce a few tiny test batches to ensure that you have achieved the desired taste.


During Quality Control, Use A Water Activity Meter

A pharmaceutical-grade water activity meter examines the water activity levels in your gummies to determine whether they are too high, too low, or just right. If the water activity reading is too high, it could suggest a variety of quality issues, including premature expiry, microbiological development, and health and safety dangers for customers.


Within minutes, a professional water activity meter can produce an accurate reading. This enables your quality control team to respond to batch issues with greater agility and confidence than was previously possible.



