Gummy Production Line

One-Stop Solution on Gummy Making Machine


Gummy Manufacturing Process

How to Manufacture Fancier, More Delicious Gummy Bears Using Gummy Candy Equipment

Fancier, more delectable gummy bear flavors. There is a technique for creating any variety of gummy bears, whether you want to enhance your standard gummy bear flavors or create something completely novel. From old gelatin-based bears to contemporary pectin-based bears, understanding the manufacturing process can assist you in expanding your business. With this information, you can improve customer service, discover new markets, and even enhance safety and quality.


Gummy candies can be produced in a variety of methods. Using gummy candy equipment, such as a gummy bear machine, which produces smaller gummies than other ways, is one option. This machine heats the ingredients before extruding them onto a conveyor belt, where they cool and harden before going on to subsequent manufacturing operations.

Gummy Candy Equipment

You can also use various forms of gummy candy equipment, such as an automated dispensing system, to make small quantities of gummy candies at home with minimal additional equipment (such as an oven). This process consumes less time than others because no manual effort is required during manufacture (such as molding).
Gummy candy is a tasty and entertaining treat, but it can be difficult to prepare. If you want to produce gummy candy, you will need to purchase a great deal of equipment, and sometimes even more.


The good news is that with the proper equipment and supplies, you can manufacture gummy bears that are not only tastier and prettier than store-bought varieties but also simpler and quicker to make. This is how:


Purchase the Appropriate Equipment for Your Needs

There are two types of equipment for making gummy bears: manual and automatic. Manual machines do not require electricity and are typically smaller and lighter than their automatic counterparts; they also feature simpler controls and fewer frills. Automatic machines have greater customization and automation choices, but they are heavier, more difficult to handle, and frequently require an electrical outlet nearby (or at least close enough).


Select Your Ingredients with Caution

When purchasing materials to make homemade gummy bears, search for those of high quality; you want them to taste delicious! Choose natural ingredients, such as fresh fruit juice or pureed vegetables, rather than anything with artificial colors or flavors.


Here are some suggestions for making excellent gummy bears:

1) Use fresh ingredients: Ensure that all of your ingredients are fresh, never sold or expired. This will ensure that the candy you serve is as delicious as possible

2) Use high-quality gelatin Because gummy bears are manufactured with gelatin, you must use high-quality gelatin for the best results. You may purchase gelatin online or from any nearby food store.

3) Boil your syrup for a longer period. When boiling your syrup on the stovetop, boil it for a longer period than usual. This will help remove more air from the syrup, which will improve its density and make it thicker, similar to real gummy bears.



  • Jell-O (pectin, gelatin, carrageenan)
  • In the below syrup, for instance, pectin is the basis.
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Color & flavor CFA system
  • Oil or flour


Machines Will be Essential

  • Cooker
  • Transfer pump
  • Forming device (depositing & cooling)
  • Molds
  • Platters for drying
  • Formation of Gummy


Steps of Making Gummy

  • Cooking
  • Depositing
  • Cooling
  • Demolding
  • Drying
  • Packing


Cooking Process


Many sorts of cooking

In contrast to manual cooking with a single pot, the cooker is often double-jacketed and contains a heating media such as oil, water, or steam.
To ensure the safety of our employees, we’ve constructed a three-layer cooker with an insulated exterior layer.
Inside will be a mixer with a scraper; the Teflon scraper will aid scrape the syrup off the cooker if the syrup has burned.
In addition, a homogenize can be added to facilitate the mixing of the pectin when melting the syrup.


Forming Process


CFA system

Color& Flavor & Acid (CFA) is an abbreviation for Color& Flavor & Acid. In production cooking, the color and flavor of the syrup are derived from natural sources. And with the CFA system, you can not only manage the dosage but also quickly change the color without having to clean the cookers and pipes each time.

There are two types of CFA systems: dynamic and static mixers, with static mixers and inline mixers being the most common.



Depositing Process

The depositing procedure is the most crucial step in the production of gummy bears. If you are not attentive and accurate with your method, the entire batch of gummy bears will end up looking like something from a horror film.

The technique of depositing requires two steps: first, melting the candy, and then pouring it into a mold. The first phase takes place in a microwave, and the second in specialized equipment known as a depositor (which looks like a giant bubble wand).

The equipment for making gummy candies allows you to adjust both the duration of each batch and the interval between batches.


Cooling Process

Manufacturers of gummy bears must guarantee that the confections are chilled appropriately after being cooked and molded. This is because the gummy bears are soft and malleable when they come out of the machine, but if they are not cooled properly, this softness will change into a hard texture.


It is possible to cool gummy bear manufacturing equipment in a variety of ways, including:

-Placing a fan over the entrance where the gummy bears exit the machine to speed up their cooling.

-Using metal trays or other forms of cooling racks to distribute heat evenly across all of the created gummy bears.


Drying Process

The drying process is the most crucial step in the production of gummy bears. This stage will allow you to determine whether or not your gummies are going to be tasty
The process of drying occurs in a big machine known as a heat tunnel. One door is located at the top and the other is at the bottom of the heat tunnel. When gummy bears are placed in the machine, they will fall via a chute at the tunnel’s apex. As they plummet, they will pass through an oven before exiting the tube at the bottom. The oven is heated to around 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 degrees Celsius), which causes the moisture to evaporate. This keeps them from adhering together when they are later removed from their molds.

Once all moisture has been removed from your gummies, there are still a few chemicals left behind from the production process that must be eliminated before packing!

