Gummy Production Line

One-Stop Solution on Gummy Making Machine


Can Gummy Candies Cease to Exist

In the pharmaceutical and confectionery industries, there is a popular misperception that gummy products do not expire. Considering that gummy vitamins, supplements, and candies all have water as their principal constituent, there is a point at which they are no longer safe or fresh to consume.


The expiration date of gummy candies and supplements is not always evident at first glance. They may appear normal but have a coarse consistency, or their active substances may lose their efficacy.


Mold and other symptoms of microbial growth are more obvious. This typically manifests as a fuzzy white or grayish-green discoloration on the surface. It will appear similar to how mold appears on rotting fruit.


Quality control is essential to ensuring that your gummy vitamins remain safe and of excellent quality for the duration of their stated shelf life. Before products are packaged and prepared for distribution, identifying common warning indications helps prevent a “poor batch” from reaching retail outlets.



shelf life of gummy candy


A Guide To Quality Control For Manufacturers

During the third and last step of the gummy production process, quality control happens after any finishing touches, like coatings, have been put to the product’s surface. The activity level of the water is one of the most crucial factors to examine.


The water activity level (measured as “aW”) indicates how much water a product contains. It impacts the shelf life and safety of the product for candies. Mold and bacteria can form if the water activity level is too high, leading to deterioration. The gummi may become rigid, brittle, and unstable if the water activity level is too low.
The production of gummy products involves a delicate balance of water activity levels. Between 0.35 and 0.45 is the optimal water activity range for gummy products (3). This range ensures that the gummies have a stable formulation and an extended shelf life.


Your quality control staff must therefore closely monitor the water activity of their products. The addition of food-grade preservatives can help prevent the growth of mold and germs. Additionally, you can include moisture-controlling packaging components, such as firmly sealed bottles and a desiccant insert.


Using a portable water activity meter, the water activity levels in gummies can be measured in a matter of minutes. Additionally, its lightweight and portable form makes it simple to examine gummies in numerous areas of your organization.



Other Indicators Of Quality Control Concern For Gummy Vitamins

In addition to monitoring the water activity of your products, you should also be on the lookout for other, more obvious quality indicators. These may suggest a miscalculation in the formula, a need to review the settings on your manufacturing equipment, or a requirement to inspect the packing for incomplete seals.
These indicators include:


The Gummies Feel Or Look Excessively Slippery Or Wet

If the gummies are visibly wet or have a slippery texture, this is a strong indicator of a high water activity level. If water is leaking from the material, it may be visible in the container as well.


The initial step in resolving this issue would be to reexamine and alter the formula’s water content. Reducing the amount of water can assist produce a drier texture without sacrificing a desirable chewy consistency.



As discussed previously, discoloration is another important indicator of a mistake. This could be an issue as simple as adjusting the food coloring in the recipe. It may also indicate the presence of microbial growth.


Examine discolored gummies carefully to evaluate whether the discoloration is just cosmetic or indicative of a wider safety problem. As with high moisture, this may necessitate a modification to the formula.


Foul Odors

When mold consumes a substance such as a gummy, it may generate an offensive stench. This could potentially be hazardous to inhale. When handling candies with an unusual or unpleasant odor, protective gloves, and a filtered breathing device should be worn. This will help prevent spores from invading your airways and skin.



